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The quotations of verses and hadiths, which Turkish poets frequently use in their poems, are also found in Seyrânî. The fact that these quotations are presented to the public without translation causes the concepts and expressions whose meaning is not known to be incomprehensible.

The inclusion of translations of these quotations, which directly contribute to the content of the poem, makes the work credible and comprehensible. There are many reading errors in the poems written in syllabic metre.

These reading errors do not reflect the content of the poem and lead the reader to different thoughts.

For example, the poem ‘Dervîşâne Bir Lahn’, which was written in the form of khoshma verse, was transferred to the new writing as ‘Derüşâne Bir Lahn’; and the phrase ‘mânend-i vatvât’, which means ‘like a bat’, was turned into ‘mânend-ü tâvat’, which does not carry any meaning.

Scholarly publications, especially works published in Ottoman Turkish, should be read correctly, the words and concepts should not cause any misunderstanding, and should not raise questions in the minds of readers who do not know old writing.

Our aim here is not to criticise or criticise the previously published Sânihât-ı Seyrânî, but to reconsider the parts that have been misquoted and to give Seyrânî's poems the place they deserve since they are his first published poems.

Thus, a clear and decent text will emerge, and it will be a bedside work for both the researcher and the reader. This work, which has been translated and published again, has been prepared for republication in order to eliminate the aforementioned deficiencies.

              Associate Dr Fatih BALCI

Seyrani Application and Research Centre Director